We Offer Legal Representation To Help You Fight for the Damages You Deserve
We Provide Direct Representation, Healthcare Expertise and Have Recovered over $500 Million from Big Pharma.
Obtain justice and financial restitution for your hardship. Give yourself a chance to improve your quality of life by obtaining the financial compensation you deserve.
We are here to offer solutions, not make things harder. Allow us to help you navigate the complexities of your unique case and get you results. There are no fees unless Coffin Law obtains compensation for you.
Coffin Law attorneys have helped to recover over a billion dollars in verdicts and settlements for their clients.
Get in touch with Coffin Law lawyers today. We’re bringing this case to court and getting justice for our clients. This case is no simple product defect – this was negligence of the highest order putting our families, and our children at risk. These companies need to be held accountable for the harm they have caused.
We provide 24/7 support and if we don't win, you don't pay!
Arsenic is linked to lung and bladder cancer; damage to the central nervous system, brain and cognitive development; immunological effects; IQ deficit; autism spectrum disorder; decrease in global motor, gross motor, and fine motor skills.
Linked to decreases in IQ; development of autism spectrum disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Linked to behavioral problems; autism spectrum disorder; decreased cognitive performance; delayed puberty; reduced postnatal growth; damage to the central nervous system and brain development; adverse effect on academic ability and achievement with lower reading and math scores; significant association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Linked to adverse subsequent neuro-development; autism spectrum disorder; poorer estimated IQ; and associated with autistic behaviors among preschool children.
Arsenic is linked to lung and bladder cancer; damage to the central nervous system, brain and cognitive development; immunological effects; IQ deficit; autism spectrum disorder; decrease in global motor, gross motor, and fine motor skills.
Linked to decreases in IQ; development of autism spectrum disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Linked to behavioral problems; autism spectrum disorder; decreased cognitive performance; delayed puberty; reduced postnatal growth; damage to the central nervous system and brain development; adverse effect on academic ability and achievement with lower reading and math scores; significant association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Linked to adverse subsequent neuro-development; autism spectrum disorder; poorer estimated IQ; and associated with autistic behaviors among preschool children.
These monetary recoveries can’t undo the harm caused to our clients, but they certainly can help restore the lives of those impacted.
Get Representation, Speak with Coffin Law Today. Fill out this form, and our team will reach out to begin the process of obtaining you justice.